Religious panel Virgen de los Desamparados

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The tradition of religious panels began in the mid-18th century and, since then, it has become a permanent custom in Muro and is still very present today. Witnesses of the intangible and tangible cultural heritage of the town, they are found in both public and private places and are accompanied by embellishments that become very complex in some cases. Their purpose was to promote the devotion of those who contemplated them as well as the sacralization of a space or the Protection of a heavenly figure.

During our visit we can discover the abundant examples of devotional tiles present throughout the town of Muro.

The Virgen de los Desamparados is the Marian invocation that has more representation to the tiles of “L ́Alcoià” and the “Comtat”. In fact, a total of 53 are catalogued. Of this particular tile, the most curious is the legend written at the bottom:

“At the end of the 18th century, the illustrious lawyer D. José Senabre Vilaplana was kidnapped by criminals and asked the Virgin of the Unemployed for help”.