Celebrations in honor of the Relic of Sant Jordi

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They take place on the first weekend of September. The festivities in honour of the Relic of Saint George commemorate the arrival of the venerated remains of the patron saint to the town. These days are a perfect opportunity to relive the magic of the Moors and Christians Festival.

The events begin on Friday afternoon with the organisation of children’s games and a parade in which all the local children take part.

On Saturday, the general ringing of the bells announces that the town is celebrating, and, in the afternoon, the Entrance is held, ending the day with the parade at midnight.

On Sunday, the day of the Relic, the Diana is held, and there is lunch in the different Moorish and Christian groups and the Solemn High Mass. In the afternoon the children’s parade and the procession and at midnight the fireworks display that closes the festival.

Without a doubt, a good opportunity to get to know the Moors and Christians fiestas, for those who cannot come on their big days during the month of April.