Banyeres Mill’s Route

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The Mill’s Route is a route that links the three most emblematic paper mills in Banyeres de Mariola of the nine that were active on the river Vinalopó between the 18th and 20th centuries. Most of the inhabitants of Banyeres de Mariola worked in these peculiar factory buildings, which were great for their time, for several centuries.

The itinerary through these facilities built along the Vinalopó River allows you to enjoy an interesting walk. You can see the rich flora and fauna of a landscape that has hardly been altered. Starting from the first paper mill established in Banyeres, the Molí l’Ombria, we will walk upstream to the Partidor, an installation for the distribution of water, the driving force behind all the artefacts of past centuries.

Downstream, we will contemplate the buildings battered by the passing of time from the Molí Sol, where a cigarette paper was made that was famous in Spain and America.

We will finish the tour at the Molí Pont, future home of the Museu Valencià del Paper.

The natural environment has determined the characteristics of the mills. That is why you can find on the route information about plants such as elder, which was used for making dyes.

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